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Discovery HQ consultants are Accelerated Transitions  Partners

Statistically, it takes 2-3 years before professionals become entirely comfortable and connected in a new role. We turn that 2-3 years into 6-9 months for our clients. Onboarding is more than a simple transfer of knowledge. We believe success in your role is much more involved than what is in the onboarding binder. The intangibles matter and we make the intangible tangible.


Discovery HQ believes that leaders are learners, so we tailor opportunities for individuals wishing to cultivate specific skills, identify new opportunities for growth, or enhance effectiveness in one or more areas.


When factoring on-boarding, promotions, lateral transfers, contingent/gig/agile work and acquisitions/restructurings, it’s common that 30-40% of your employee base is in a significant transition at any given time.

As the collaborative intensity of work has risen the network impact of these transitions does far greater damage to efficiency, innovation and engagement than leaders typically realize.

Organizations focused only on reducing first year attrition or new hire time to productivity are investing in the least important benefit (economically) of these transitions.

Transition Calculations

Organizations equipping employees to transition across roles and projects more fluidly enjoy surprising economic benefits.


The transition calculations shows the full impact of improving transition success rates as seen in the pie chart reflecting a live 10,000 person organization.


To learn more about workshops, assessments, and custom solutions 

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